In this section you will find what we did in class.
Week One 8/7-8/9
Wed: About Me / Website / Syllabus / Google Classroom
Thur: Using The Textbook / Map Notes / Birthday Map
Fri: Map Notes / Birthday Map / Map Activity
Week Two 8/12-8/16
Mon: Greek Philosopher Notes / Booklet
Tue: Booklet / The Scientific Revolution
Wed: How to do a CNN Report
Thur: The Enlightenment
Fri: The Magna Carta / DBQ Charters of Freedom
Week Three 8/19-8/23
Mon: DBQ Declarations of Freedom
Tue: Revolutions Timeline
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Revolutions in Latin America
Fri: Revolutions Nearpod / GRAPES: Glorious Revolution
Week Four 8/26-8/30
Mon: Revolutions Nearpod / GRAPES: American Revolution
Tue: Revolutions Matrix
Wed: GRAPES: French Revolution
Thur: Revolutions Nearpod / Review for Test
Fri: Revolutions Test
Week Five 9/3-9/6
Tue: Lesson 17
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Industry Lesson 1
Fri: Industry Lesson 2
Week Six 9/9-9/13
Mon: District Common Assessment
Tue: Sheep Video / Mass Production
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: GRAPES: Industrial Revolution
Fri: GS: Factory Society
Week Seven 9/16-9/20
Mon: Pro/Anti Industrialism
Tue: The World Economy Accelerates
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur-Fri: Mexican Revolution
Week Eight 9/23-9/27
Mon: Mexican Revolution
Tue: Men Who Built America
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Lesson 18 Reading Comp.
Fri: Notecard Review
Week Nine 9/30-10/4
Mon: Industrialism Test
Tue: Romanticism Nearpod Notes
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Imperialism Notes
Fri: Africa Map
Week Ten 10/7-10/11
Mon: Imperialism Reading Guide
Tue: Traveler
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Central/East Africa...West/North Africa
Fri: South Africa
Wed: About Me / Website / Syllabus / Google Classroom
Thur: Using The Textbook / Map Notes / Birthday Map
Fri: Map Notes / Birthday Map / Map Activity
Week Two 8/12-8/16
Mon: Greek Philosopher Notes / Booklet
Tue: Booklet / The Scientific Revolution
Wed: How to do a CNN Report
Thur: The Enlightenment
Fri: The Magna Carta / DBQ Charters of Freedom
Week Three 8/19-8/23
Mon: DBQ Declarations of Freedom
Tue: Revolutions Timeline
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Revolutions in Latin America
Fri: Revolutions Nearpod / GRAPES: Glorious Revolution
Week Four 8/26-8/30
Mon: Revolutions Nearpod / GRAPES: American Revolution
Tue: Revolutions Matrix
Wed: GRAPES: French Revolution
Thur: Revolutions Nearpod / Review for Test
Fri: Revolutions Test
Week Five 9/3-9/6
Tue: Lesson 17
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Industry Lesson 1
Fri: Industry Lesson 2
Week Six 9/9-9/13
Mon: District Common Assessment
Tue: Sheep Video / Mass Production
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: GRAPES: Industrial Revolution
Fri: GS: Factory Society
Week Seven 9/16-9/20
Mon: Pro/Anti Industrialism
Tue: The World Economy Accelerates
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur-Fri: Mexican Revolution
Week Eight 9/23-9/27
Mon: Mexican Revolution
Tue: Men Who Built America
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Lesson 18 Reading Comp.
Fri: Notecard Review
Week Nine 9/30-10/4
Mon: Industrialism Test
Tue: Romanticism Nearpod Notes
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Imperialism Notes
Fri: Africa Map
Week Ten 10/7-10/11
Mon: Imperialism Reading Guide
Tue: Traveler
Wed: CNN Report / Mindfulness
Thur: Central/East Africa...West/North Africa
Fri: South Africa